Did you know that your visitors decide whether to stay on your site, or to leave it, in less than three seconds?

We design digital experiences for businesses that engage users with visuals, graphics, concepts, interfaces, and design.

It only takes three seconds for your visitors to decide to stay on your site. Yes, that’s right – 3 seconds. This means that as little as a one second lag in page response can result in around a 7% decrease in conversions. It also proves that the right UI (User Interface) / UX(User Experience) design plays a vital role in making a user’s journey easy, clear, and memorable.

At HENJAY, we deliver exceptional web design with an optimum user experience that converts. We ensure that your web page design is a contributing factor in delivering precise and clear steps in your user’s journey. 

When your website is easy to navigate and provides an exceptional user experience, you are more likely to move your customers to the final stage of completing their desired actions and making a purchase.

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We help our clients conceptualize their websites and products, by analysing and understanding their business objectives, communication, needs, and project goals.

Our UI designs are clear and intuitive, while our UX designs aim to align the user’s needs and business goals. We ensure that UI and UX work together, so you achieve your business goals and increase conversion rates, leading to business success.

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